Director General of Intellectual Property (Dirjen KI) Freddy Harris revealed the importance of a country to prioritize innovation based on intellectual property.
IP and IP Law is important in various aspects of discussions handled by government agencies, ranging from trade negotiations, investment and in the competition of a country’s development.
Therefore, the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) continues to improve public services in terms of IP administration and law enforcement.
“Indonesia places IP law enforcement as one of the priorities,” said Freddy Harris.
This was conveyed by Freddy Harris when opening the Intellectual Property Enforcement Workshop organized in collaboration with the DJKI with the Danish Embassy to Indonesia and LEGO in the 8th floor Hall, DJKI Building (10/12/2018).
Freddy said that in the last three years, DJKI through the Directorate of Investigation and Dispute Resolution has handled 76 violations of intellectual property rights. “The number of trademark violations is 51 cases, 11 copyright cases, 9 industrial design cases, and 5 patent cases,” said Freddy Harris.
To facilitate complaints of IP violations, DJKI also applies online complaints of IP violations including monitoring information through the DJKI website.
The event was attended by the Danish Ambassador to Indonesia, Rasmus Abildgaard Kristensen; Head of Department International Project, Danish Patent and Trademark, Michael Poulsen; as well as Director of Patents, Integrated Circuit Layout Design and Trade Secrets, Dede Mia Yusanti; Director of Copyright and Industrial Design, Erni Widhyastari; and Director of IP Cooperation and Empowerment, Molan Karim Tarigan and representatives of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise.